on College Success: Supplements
Resources available with FOCUS
on College Success
For Instructors
Annotated Instructor's Edition
ISBN 053463866X The
Annotated Instructor’s Edition includes
helpful commentary from the author as well as
from highly respected and dedicated college success
teacher Catherine Andersen of Gallaudet University.
Annotations include Teachable Moments, Sensitive
Situation, Chapter Cross Over, Activity Option,
and Emotional Intelligence (EI) Research.
ISBN 0534638708
Featuring automatic grading, ExamView
allows you to create, deliver, and customize tests
and study guides (both print and online) in minutes.
one-stop Microsoft® PowerPoint® Tool
ISBN 1428231048
The fastest, easiest way to build
powerful, customized, media-rich lectures. Preloaded
PowerPoint lecture slides for every chapter include
bulleted text points, diagrams, and all text photos,
as well as links to animations and websites. With
PowerLecture, you can edit copy on lecture slides
to fit your needs—present art in segments;
select and enlarge portions of a figure; and edit
labels, remove labels, or present one label at
a time. The CD-ROM also includes video clips,
the Instructor's Manual, the test bank, and web
links. It is available at no additional charge
to adopters of this text.
Manual and Test Bank
By Catherine Andersen of
Gallaudet University
ISBN 0534638678
Streamline and maximize the effectiveness
of your course preparation with this Instructor’s
Manual, organized by questions most frequently
asked by new and seasoned instructors alike, such
as “How should I launch this chapter?”,
“What important features does this chapter
include?”, and “What additional exercises
might enrich students’ learning?”
This time-saving resource also includes a Test
Bank that offers 15 questions per chapter.
on WebCT® or Blackboard®
ISBN 0534638694 (WebCT) ? ISBN 0534638686
Jumpstart your course with customizable,
rich text-specific content within your Course
Management System.
For Students
Resource Center
for FOCUS on College
ISBN 0534638643
Rich learning resources and test-prep
online resources include Team Career exercises
integrated with the text's Focus on Careers feature,
Challenge Yourself online quizzes that help you
understand more about yourself and your attitudes
toward life and learning, and iAudio downloadable
chapter summaries in MP3 format.
College Success
Factors Index
ISBN 0534565557
How prepared are you to succeed
in college? Find out! Visit the College Success
Factors Index website at