Online Learning Platforms
Special Initiatives
Scientific literacy is crucial to the success of your students. Help your students develop their critical thinking skills with real-world scenarios written from the perspective of a college student and authored by a team of experienced, active non-majors Biology instructors.
Minimize instructor prep time with pre-made PowerPoints, worksheets, and answer rubrics that make learning an active—not passive—process. Available for every Critical Thinking Case, In-Class Active Learning Resources give instructors a wealth of options for engaging students with content non-majors Biology students can relate to—from research projects to in-class small group activities.
Concept Spotlight Animations engage students using the context of real-world problems—helping them deepen their understanding of key biological concepts across auto-graded concept visualizations. With Biological Process Videos, students receive targeted help as they visualize core Biology processes and structures.
For more information on how we can help your non-majors Biology students, contact a rep or request a demo.