Social Work

Explore Learning Materials and Textbooks for Instructors

Day one access without breaking the bank

Social Work eBooks from Cengage let students learn whenever (and however) they want from day one of class, all at a price they can afford.

Featured titles for Intro to Social Work

Featured titles for Human Behavior

Featured titles for Direct and Family Practice

Explore all Social Work textbooks from Cengage

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MindTap for Social Work

MindTap is the online learning platform that puts you in the driver's seat. Craft personalized, engaging learning experiences that boost performance with full access to eBooks, study tools, assessments and student performance analytics from day one.

Helper Studio in MindTap

Helper Studio

Helper Studio is a video-based activity that helps students build skills and confidence responding to clients, with recorded video responses that simulate real client interactions.

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Progress App in MindTap

Progress App

The Progress App in MindTap delivers performance reporting to help you and your students identify challenging topic areas so they know where to focus their study time, and you know where to focus class time.

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Cengage Read Mobile App

Cengage Read Mobile App

Cengage Read is an eReader that lets students read, listen and take notes on their smartphone or tablet, wherever and whenever they want to study.

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