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What fuels you as a college educator? What challenges keep you up at night? Odds are your colleagues share similar motivations and challenges. Here’s your chance to build your professional network and present your research, experiences and breakthrough teaching approaches with your higher ed peers to improve student learning and success.

Submitting Your Proposal

Our 2025 Empowered Educator Online Conference theme is:

Impactful Teaching Practices in Higher Ed

All proposed sessions should inspire and equip HED faculty to explore evidence-based teaching practices, game-changing approaches to learning and innovative instructional models that help achieve better student outcomes. Proposals should include supporting evidence-based research and provide practical applications and resources for attendees to use post-event. Submit your session proposal by completing the online form.

You will be asked to provide:

Session Title (55-character limit including spaces)

Brief description (1000-character limit including spaces)

Create a brief description of the session that compels your peers to attend and includes the following:

  • Rationale: Explain the application of this topic to the conference theme ― as well as to your current experience and the resulting impact of using this approach in higher education. Note how your background enables you to speak to it.
  • Learning Outcomes: Identify the specific competencies and insights participants will gain by attending your session.
  • Takeaways: What could an attendee feel empowered to do tomorrow? Next month? Across the next term/semester?
  • Resources: What resources will you provide before or during the session? What resources may you provide after your session?

Proposal Deadline & Selection Criteria

Proposals are due Wednesday, October 9 by 11:59 p.m. ET. Proposals will be blind reviewed and selected by a committee according to the following criteria:

  • Interest: Will there be a high level of interest in and benefit from this topic?
  • Application: How adaptable are these ideas to various course models?
  • Clarity: Are the proposed session description, rationale and learning objectives applicable and clearly stated?
  • Relevance: How well does session align with and support conference theme around great college teaching?
  • Creativity: Is this session introducing new impactful ideas, approaches and applications?
  • Research: Will this session be supported by relative and recent research?
  • Takeaways: Will the session provide practical ideas, strategies or resources for attendees to use post-event?

NOTE: Empowered Educator reserves the right to edit presentation titles and/or edit the session abstract for final conference agenda.

Selection Notification

Semi-finalists will be alerted by Friday, October 25. Final sessions accepted for the conference will be notified by November 8.

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