EmmaLeigh Kirchner

EmmaLeigh Kirchner photo
MindTap, Cengage Unlimited, OLC Certified - Quality in Online Learning
LMS Used:
Criminal Justice
Mercyhurst University

EmmaLeigh Kirchner

I am an Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Mercyhurst University in Erie, PA. I have experience teaching numerous Criminal Justice courses including Justice in America, Introduction to Juvenile Justice and Delinquency, Introduction to Corrections, Human Behavior in Corrections, Research Methods, Social Science Statistics and Deviant Behavior. I teach both online and traditional courses, as well as undergraduate and graduate level courses. 

I have used MindTap in all introductory level Criminal Justice courses, and have added it to the research methods course for the fall. Since the inclusion of MindTap, students to come to class more prepared, allowing for more in-depth and interesting discussion of course content as well as students increased participation both in class and online. The tools that MindTap provide also make class material more interesting for a new technologically-savvy student population, allowing students to access material from any mobile device and taking away excuses for lack of time.

Quality in Online Learning (OLC/Cengage) Badge
Issued by Online Learning Consortium
The earner of this badge has successfully completed the OLC 2-week training on Quality in Online Learning. This training program will help Cengage faculty consultants to better support, mentor, and provide virtual coaching to faculty at various institutions on effective practices of quality online learning, including course design, facilitation, and assessment.


"Mindtap has helped my students stay engaged both in and out of the class!"

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