Jenny Billings
I am the Chair of ACA (Study Skills), DRE (Developmental Reading and English), and ENG (Curriculum English) at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College in Concord and Salisbury, North Carolina. I teach ENG-111 (Writing and Inquiry or English Composition) mostly, but used to teach Developmental English full-time for the College. I also have a lot of experience with college/student success, other English courses, and all levels of Developmental Reading and English through course, curriculum, and master shell development. I am very versatile when it comes to digital solutions and technology (especially in the educational realm). While I have been at Rowan-Cabarrus since January 2011, I have been with Cengage since fall 2013.
I helped to roll out one of the first, and largest, all-inclusive e-Textbook (e-Text) initiatives at my institution in Fall 2014—through that process and project, I gained experience with CourseMate, SCORM packages, CengageBrain, ConnectYard, Flashnotes, Aplia, WebAssign, and more. I have also trained faculty along the East coast in/on PSY, COM, HIS, SOC, and AHR MindTap solutions.
My institution chose this solution because of its seamless integration with Blackboard 9.1 (our LMS). We also wanted to provide our students with many digital resources to enhance their learning experience—the apps within MindTap have truly answered that call! I love that through MindTap, instructors are truly able to design their course and e-Textbook. Since going digital with Cengage, myself and other instructors have seen huge improvements in student success and even retention.
Quality in Online Learning (OLC/Cengage) Badge
Issued by Online Learning Consortium
The earner of this badge has successfully completed the OLC 2-week training on Quality in Online Learning. This training program will help Cengage faculty consultants to better support, mentor, and provide virtual coaching to faculty at various institutions on effective practices of quality online learning, including course design, facilitation, and assessment.
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