Machiavelli (Max) Chao

MindTap, OLC Certified - Quality in Online Learning
LMS Used:
Business Law
The Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California, Irvine

Machiavelli (Max) Chao

I am a full-time continuing lecturer at the Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California, Irvine.  In 2018 & 2021, I was named as UCI’s Lecturer of the Year.  I am the only two-time winner in the history of this award. I have also received many other teaching awards from our school. UCI is part of the 10-campus University of California system, and has over 30,000 students. At the Paul Merage School of Business, we have nearly 3,000 students spread among our undergraduate, masters and PhD programs.

Since 2003, I have three teaching disciplines: business law (for undergraduates and MBAs), financial accounting (for undergraduates), and taxation (for undergraduates).  While I continue to teach traditional face-to-face classes (ranging from 90 to 200 students), I have successfully developed (and continue to teach) many fully-online and hybrid courses (ranging from 40 to 300 students) as well. 

At the Merage School, I have a reputation for offering courses which are rigorous and demanding, but also for being an effective instructor who presents materials in a way which is easy to understand and relatable to students. I am known for my ability to engage students in unique ways, and for creating a fun and interesting learning environment. And, because I love experimenting with, and implementing new methods of delivering course materials, I generally serve as a guinea pig for new teaching technologies at the Merage School. On my off days—which are few and far between—I am a practicing attorney and certified public accountant specializing in business transactions, real estate transactions, estates and trusts, and taxation.

I received my B.S. in Accounting from California State University, Fullerton, and my J.D. from the University of Southern California. And yes, my real name is indeed Machiavelli.


Quality in Online Learning (OLC/Cengage) Badge
Issued by Online Learning Consortium
The earner of this badge has successfully completed the OLC 2-week training on Quality in Online Learning. This training program will help Cengage faculty consultants to better support, mentor, and provide virtual coaching to faculty at various institutions on effective practices of quality online learning, including course design, facilitation, and assessment.



"Because of MindTap, my students come to class better prepared and more knowledgeable about the materials, which in turn, make our lectures and discussions even more engaging and interesting."

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