Stay ahead of the changes in higher ed

With award-winning course content, flexible teaching tools, affordable course materials and dedicated service, there are no limits to what your institution can achieve in this shifting higher education world. Learn how Cengage Unlimited for Institutions can help.

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With one Cengage Unlimited for Institutions plan, students can access thousands of materials in more than 160 disciplines―letting them learn without limits.

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Trusted quality course content

Our best-in-class course content and technology gives you an affordable, comprehensive solution that you can trust for all your learners.

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Easy for students and faculty

With course content delivered on the go, in class and directly through your LMS, you have a system that’s ready for instructors and students.

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24/7 support

24/7 support

Your time is precious, so you get personalized course setup, award-winning training, on-demand resources and 24/7 support for you, your faculty and students.

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Ravinder Dayal

Leaders like you are creating positive change at their organizations

"The goal is to develop these types of relationships that align with our institutional objectives. With CUI, we can continue providing a quality education online while reducing the financial burden for students. CUI is yet another way our faculty can continue to help students and support their success.”

Ravinder Dayal, Provost, Carrington College

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Break down the barriers to learning and teaching success

The rising cost of textbooks, the demands of multiple course modalities, declining student enrollment and engagement—they’re getting in the way of quality education. How do you remove these hurdles for your faculty, students and administrators? That’s where Cengage Unlimited for Institutions comes in.

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Support student success

Students have day-one access to our full course catalog with over 7,000 eBooks across more than 160 disciplines and 790 course areas, with online study tools made for the ways they learn.

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Deliver faculty flexibility

Your faculty can combine and use any of the content from our course library for different modalities.

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Meet your institution’s goals

Your Cengage team will build a model that works best for your higher ed institution with easy setup and a full view of student usage and metrics to help you grow.

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Create an equitable space for all

You can ensure all course materials are accessible and relatable to every student and build an inclusive environment for equitable learning.

Institutions are engaging faculty and students like never before

Institutions are engaging faculty and students like never before

“In the past, we would have one textbook, generally speaking, per course. Faculty would assign that one textbook, and that's the only resource that a student would have. With Cengage Unlimited, faculty are excited, because now they can take the best of several different books, or resources, including open education resources that they're curating, but also, different textbooks.”

—Dr. Bernard Polnariev, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Scotch Plains Campus, Union County College

Explore resources to enrich your curriculum and engage your students.

Students need your support, now more than ever

Out of all the challenges students, faculty and leaders face today, access to quality course content shouldn’t be one of them.

On average, students spend a total of $948 on required course materials every year. For many students, this means choosing between their meals and their textbooks. For a lot of faculty, it leads to the frustration that comes from course drops or missed assignments.

Step away from traditional textbook models.

Learn More About Cengage Unlimited for Institutions

Ryan Tipton

Colleges are boosting their student enrollment and retention rates

"College is expensive, and it can be hard to justify the price. If we don’t move in the direction of innovation, what’s our place 10 years from now? Rather than stay in our comfort zone, we are collectively deciding that innovation isn’t a threat. It means being more efficient, having higher graduation and retention rates, and better student satisfaction."

Dr. Ryan Tipton, Interim President, University of the Southwest

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We’re with you every step of the way

We deliver a course content solution that adapts with the needs of your higher ed institution and flexes with your student enrollment, faculty retention and budget needs.

With Cengage Unlimited for Institutions, we make your job as an education leader easier, so you can put your time and focus on what matters most: the success of your students, faculty and institution. Here's what we do:

  1. Connect: Meet with your Cengage representative who will help you identify how Cengage can help you meet your institution’s goals
  2. Build: We create a customized model that fits your institution, making access easy for students and faculty
  3. Launch: We’ll convert course materials onto your platform and train your students and faculty, staying close and ready to address any challenges
  4. Support: You have a dedicated team who works across your institution to ensure easy integration and assure students and faculty get the most from your investment
  5. Optimize: Your support team offers you a full view into student learning with up-to-the-minute performance data, so you can monitor engagement and identify areas for improvement quickly and realize return on your learning investment
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Within your budget

Your students get the course content they need, and you get a purchase option that fits your budget and expands with your institutional goals.

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Data where it counts

Personalized dashboards and customized reporting to help you know what’s working and where you can grow.

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Service because it matters

A dedicated support team with award-winning service to help you introduce our course content to your entire higher ed institution.

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Leading institutions are making bold changes and big impacts

Leading institutions are making bold changes and big impacts

“We really started looking at the ways we could move from this very old traditional model of education toward more student centered, learning focused education, because education is less and less about, ‘I'm in a seat’. Now, it’s much more about the type of learning that a student can demonstrate, regardless of how much time it takes them. That's what we felt like Cengage Unlimited gave us.”

Emily Stuckenbruck, Executive Dean of Academic Excellence, Northcentral Technical College

Explore resources to enrich your curriculum and engage your students.

Cut student costs on course materials

Cengage Unlimited for Institutions offers full coverage for more than 790 course areas. You can rest assured, your students have access to all course content in one place, for one price, on day one of class—with dedicated support and training for everyone.

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