What is a Cengage Unlimited subscription?

It’s our one-of-a-kind subscription service, giving students access to thousands of Cengage online course materials, including eBooks and online learning platforms. Students can choose between a 4 or 12-month Cengage Unlimited subscription for one affordable price.

Benefits of Cengage Unlimited

Benefits of Cengage Unlimited

With Cengage Unlimited, you can choose from our vast catalog of products, while giving your students access to:

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Student savings

No more buying item-by-item — which means more savings and less financial stress.

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Unrivaled access

With full access, students can explore online course materials in any discipline they want.

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24/7 support

You and your students get 24/7 support from our award-winning customer service team.

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Cengage Unlimited for Institutions – supporting your institutional goals

Cengage Unlimited for Institutions (CUI) allows Cengage Unlimited subscriptions to be applied across a department, a select group of students or an entire institution to provide savings. With CUI, colleges and universities can deliver day-one access of online course materials, while supporting the institution’s unique strategic goals.

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Improve affordability and increase access

Learn how colleagues and institutions nationwide are using Cengage Unlimited subscriptions to save their students money and achieve better learning outcomes.

Teaching Without Limits: My Journey with Cengage Unlimited

Instructor Kristin Quinn gave her students one less cost to worry about. Professor Quinn shares how she successfully found affordable, quality online course materials for her students through Cengage Unlimited.

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Millions of students are saving

Find out how much students are saving at your college and others with Cengage Unlimited.

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The Cengage Unlimited Effect

Our report shows how Cengage Unlimited is improving access, affordability and quality of learning.

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Start helping your students save today

Ready to offer Cengage Unlimited to your students? Find out how you can make it available for your course and ensure your students know their purchase options.

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