Online Learning Platforms
Special Initiatives
Looking for teaching materials for your course? Want to compare Cengage products and titles? Interested in professional development resources to grow your skills on your time?
Create an account and explore it all.
Easily search our entire eBook library to compare tables of contents, check content coverage and explore highlighted activities. You can also create your own personal library of eBooks to review or use in your course. With this digital review process, you can instantly read any Cengage eBook front to back without waiting for a sample in the mail.
Looking for PowerPoint presentations and flashcards to pair with your eBook? This is the spot. The Resources section links to teaching and assessment tools, along with companion sites, so you can view any instructor’s manuals, test banks or other support materials associated with your title.
Explore any of our online learning platforms like MindTap, WebAssign, SAM, OWLv2 or CNOWv2. You can also get a closer look by watching a product demo. Once you find your digital solution, you can create and manage your online course right from your Cengage instructor account.
From live events and webinar recordings for your lunch hour, to peer-authored blog posts for your coffee break, you’ll find honest talk and strategies for tackling today’s higher education issues no matter how much or little time you have.