Online Learning Platforms
Special Initiatives
Easily keep tabs on your students’ progress with the Progress App.
Add, remove, reorganize or customize assignments and assessments.
MindTap easily integrates into the learning management system (LMS) you already know.
MindTap allows students to study wherever and whenever they want.
MindTap lets you teach your course, your way.
With flexibility in MindTap, you can easily reorder textbook chapters, add your own notes and embed all the content you want.
The best part? Instructors aren’t the only ones who can customize their course. Students can see your notes and take their own with a built-in reader.
Pinpoint students’ progress with the Progress App, a built-in gradebook that helps you pinpoint areas where students are struggling, track their engagement and find areas where they need more support.
Using powerful analytics tools and twelve distinct metrics, the Progress App gives you detailed information on how much time a student spends on an assignment, and what questions they’re struggling with.
Have a stat you want to highlight for your students? Or a page you want to bookmark for discussion in your next class? With the StudyHub app in MindTap, you can mark up your eBook however you want.
The StudyHub consolidates all the notes, highlights and bookmarks your students make into one easy-to-access location. Plus, you can use those notes to create shareable study guides for your students.
“My students performed better on tests because of the use of MindTap assignments [and] the feedback provided when entering an incorrect answer."
— Susan Clark, Senior Lecturer, The Ohio State University
Mapped directly to your textbook, the Learning Path lays out your students’ course materials.
The Learning Path is broken down into three separate sections:
Whether students are studying in the library, at home, on the job or anywhere in between, flexibility is the name of the game.
With a built-in eBook, students have full online and offline access to their title so they can study whenever and wherever they go. Plus, they can highlight the text, take notes and have the text read aloud to them.
"My students’ use of MindTap increased their confidence, persistence and success."
— Scott Seagle, Adjunct Professor, Ocean County College
We’re always working to make MindTap the best online learning platform out there. That’s why we’re consistently adding and updating features and content to better support you and your students.
Check out the latest features in MindTap
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K-12 Instructors: click here.
No matter your instructional needs, we’ve got your back. Fill out this form and we’ll connect you to your Cengage Representative ASAP.
K-12 Instructors: click here.