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SAM Features

SAM Features

Premier Training for Microsoft Office with SAM

An engaging and interactive online learning environment, SAM transforms students into Microsoft Office and computer concept masters.
Explore the features below to see what SAM can do for your students’ skillsets.


Prepare Students for the Real World

SAM Word training image

Training Toward Mastery

Training assignments in SAM support and engage students as they build skills. These visual and interactive walk-throughs empower students to observe, practice and apply skills in simulated environments. Once they receive instructions for completing the skill, students:

  • Observe the skill with voiceover and on-screen callouts
  • Walk through a guided practice where they control the keyboard and mouse
  • Apply their skill unaided in a simulated Microsoft Office and computing environment
  • Access our integrated guide that provides pathways to completion including steps for Mac users
SAM Excel exam image

Leveraging What’s Learned

We empower students to show what they know. Exams featured in SAM provide instructions for the skill and allow students to leverage what they learned during training to perform the higher-stakes assessment. Additionally, instructors can:

  • Customize the number of attempts, time limit, employability options, assignment contents and more
  • Use the Exam Playback feature in individual performance reports to see the exact steps a student took for incorrect attempts
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Projects with Purpose

The projects within SAM provide your students with the hands-on practice they need to first build skills—then effectively apply those skills in real-world settings. These realistic projects are completed live in the Office application and help prepare students for the skills their courses and future careers will demand. Additional features include:

  • Auto-grading including checks for integrity violations
  • NEW! OS detection for enhanced support for Mac users
  • Detailed feedback using native commenting tools for students
MOS Exam Preparation

MOS Exam Preparation

Help your students get certified with industry-recognized credentials. SAM content is mapped to the MOS Exam Certifications and the SAM MOS Practice Exams help students prepare with a simulated exam environment, helping:

  • Orient students to the exam environment
  • Reduce test anxiety

Track and Report Student Progress

SAM individual performance report image

Reports that Go Way Beyond Grades

What’s your I.D. I.Q.? Flexible SAM Reports help you easily identify at-risk students and areas of weakness, while informing class time and remediation needs. Accessing skill-level reports across sections, graded projects, integrity violations, student click-paths for exams and more, is a snap!

SAM frequency analysis report image

A View into Student Engagement

Action requires insight. With SAM, you can easily track how often your students are engaging with the assigned material and identify where they need further support and instruction.

Reports can be viewed by:

  • Skills
  • Section
  • Assignment
  • Individual student
LMS logo images

Dynamic Access and Integration

Integrating SAM with the LMS instructors use is simple—with convenient weighting, exporting options and:

  • Single sign-in from SAM or MindTap to your LMS
  • Direct links to SAM assignments and reports
  • Grade synchronization with any assignment you choose

Streamline Class Creation

SAM scheduling options

Efficiency-based Scheduling

Now you can do more with less. With SAM, you can create a single assignment and deploy it to as many sections as necessary. SAM assignments also include several scheduling options, including:

  • due date/time
  • password protection
  • student reporting
SAM express assignment scheduling

Assigning Made Simple

Create assignments aligned to corresponding workbooks or set up all your course assignments in minutes with the express assignment creation workflow. SAM courses offer flexible course assignment options, including:

  • Set number of attempts for students
  • Randomized questions
  • Predetermined time limits
  • Flexible grading strictness
  • Multiple assessment scenarios 

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