If you need multiple Cengage products this
semester, you could save with a Cengage
Unlimited subscription

Choose the subscription duration that works for you and purchase now to get instant access to your Cengage course materials.

Cengage Unlimited

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Join 6.6 million+ students who have saved over $870
million with Cengage Unlimited.

Frequently asked questions

Cengage Unlimited is a subscription for students that gives you access to all Cengage online learning platforms , plus our entire library of Cengage eBooks for a one-time, flat price. You’ll also get at least 4 FREE textbook rentals (you only pay for shipping & handling). If you were assigned more than one Cengage eBook or online learning platform (MindTap, WebAssign, SAM, CNOWv2, OWLv2 and Cengage Infuse) this semester, a Cengage Unlimited subscription will save you money.

If your instructors assigned more than one Cengage eBook or online learning platform for class this semester, a Cengage Unlimited subscription could save you money. You’ll get at least 1 term (4 months) of access to all Cengage online learning platforms (MindTap, WebAssign, SAM, CNOWv2, OWLv2, and Cengage Infuse), plus our entire library of Cengage eBooks for a one-time, flat price.

Cengage Unlimited offers subscription durations of 1 term (4 months) or 2 terms (12 months). 

Cengage Unlimited subscriptions for students do not auto-renew. You will pay one flat price up front and have access to your course materials until the subscription expires

Contact our support team and access our 24/7 FAQ library. Our Techcheck site will also show you the current status of our sites and platforms.

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